Video Knowledge Projects

Video knowledge clusters  focus on a specific form of knowledge production and learning. It creates cores in the form of short bursts—no more than 5 minutes—designed to suggest a core of knowledge.  These knowledge cores can be spiraled deeper into the subject or they can be spiraled outward by assembling any number of these knowledge core bursts into a larger picture.   Knowledge cores provide a structured brief building block of knowledge.  These provide a foundation for directing knowledge acquisition.  Spiral clusters are built from combinations of knowledge cores.


An Introduction to the Coalition for Peace and Ethics Teaching Project—Knowledge Cores and Spiral Clusters

We will produce an initial set of nine knowledge clusters grouped roughly by similarity or overlap of content.  We hope you find them useful.  We also want o know what you want to know.  Write us.  Let us know what you want to learn.  Help us build a knowledge core universe so we can all teach and learn.

Law and Economic Activity

  1. Are corporations people, too?
  2. Whose interests do corporations serve and why does it matter?
  3. Why do we care about global supply chains?

Law and Political Activity

  1. What is the difference between constitution and constitutionalism?
  2. What is the difference between “hard” law and “soft law”.
  3. Why do we care about fairness in law and regulatory systems?


  1. What is globalization?
  2. Is there a law of globalization?
  3. What is a sovereign wealth fund and why does it matter?